Thursday, July 06, 2006

More of where I'm living

Have been mostly hiding indoors during the evenings this week in an (unsuccessful) attempt to avoid the mosquitoes - they're not bad, but I never usually get bitten so they're particularly annoying. However, one thing everyone tells me about Southern Alberta is that they enjoy their food, and I'm certainly enjoying it with them so have been trying to walk some of it off and the College campus is really big so it's a great place to do that.
The picture is of the front of the College and this is the main drive leading up to it. If you look closely you can see LCC spelt out in the flowers. All of the lawns and flower beds are really well kept and watered on an automatic hose system each day (I have to be careful walking to my flat as the water sprays all over).
The second picture is the local wildlife - it's pretty cute but apparently a bit of nuisance. I think I scared it as it stayed dead still while I approached and took the picture (either that or it likes having its picture taken - I think it might even be posing a little bit)!


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